Ciencia Software Technology

Mindset Kit

“Providing learning mindset resources directly to a wide audience to help them adopt practices and improve student achievement”

The Mindset Kit was created by The Project for Education Research that Scales (PERTS), a research center in the psychology department at Stanford University. Our goal is to create a place where educators and parents can learn about and find the most effective learning mindset materials available. All of our resources are based on research that has been carefully translated into lessons and practices intended to improve students’ mindsets and make them better learners. We currently offer targeted materials for teachers and parents to ensure our messaging is as effective as possible.

What exactly is a “learning mindset?”

Learning mindsets are a set of beliefs that are linked to increased academic performance in students. There are three main learning mindsets we commonly reference: growth mindset, belonging, and purpose & relevance. Each has its own unique characteristics and is based on years of research.

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

Students are more likely to persist through challenges when they understand that intelligence is malleable, rather than a fixed trait.

Belonging Mindset

Belonging Mindset

Students who have a strong sense of belonging in their environment are more likely to succeed and persist through challenges.

Purpose & Relevance

Purpose & Relevance

When students believe that schoolwork has a purpose and relates to their life outside of school, they are more eager to learn.

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